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“Not from Mont Pèlerin”
“Der Sturz” (The Fall)
“Die Lösung” (The Solution)
“Drei” (Three)
“Dschungel” (Jungle)
“Kreidezeit” (Chalk Age)
“Leise” (Piano)
“Beauty of the Beast”
“Chelsea Art Fairy”
“Farbnacht” (Night of Colors)
“Der Ratgeber” (The Adviser)
“The Next”
“Il Principe”
“Let's Dance”
“Die Kitschpantoffeln” (The Kitschy Slippers)
“Großer Reformat” (The Big Reform Machine)
“Charlie's Empire”
“Wolkenburger Wäscheleinen” (Cloud Castle’s Clothes Lines)
“Wolken Malen” (Painting Clouds)
“Wolkenburger Land” (Cloud Castle’s Countryside)
“Die Sächsinnen” (Saxonian Ladies)
“Der Schlangenprinz” (The Snake Prince)
“In the Year 2026”
“Making Nature”
“Wiener Mut” (Courageous Vienna)
“Jugend” (Youth)